Cloud Backup

Transfer your data quickly and securely

Remote Backup

The Backup service it offers allows customers to save their data in a data center on Italian territory, certified according to the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard and accessible at any time, regardless of their geographical location.

The backups are highly resilient while the data in transit between the customer’s infrastructure (or between the customer’s Cloud environment) and the Italian data center, as well as data “at rest”, are encrypted with the AES256 algorithm bite.

The innovative, fast and secure Cloud Backup service

The Backup service it offers allows customers to save their data in a data center on Italian territory, certified according to the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard and accessible at any time, regardless of their geographical location.

The backups are highly resilient while the data in transit between the customer’s infrastructure (or between the customer’s Cloud environment) and the Italian data center, as well as data “at rest”, are encrypted with the AES256 algorithm bite.

The innovative, fast and secure Cloud Backup service

The reasons why companies should necessarily adopt a data backup policy on the Microsoft 365 Cloud can be many but among the main ones we mention the following:

External security threats:
data is not immune to Ransomware attacks or applications that may contain malicious code within them and therefore capable of compromising the integrity of the data in general.

Internal Security Threats:
Not only hackers and viruses pose a security threat to businesses. Instead, insider threats often occur, carried out by their own employees, either intentionally (for example to take revenge for a dismissal) or involuntarily. Since prevention is better than cure, setting up a backup is the best way to effectively combat these types of problems.

Accidental deletion:
Even for IT infrastructures that have advanced geographic redundancy technologies, protection from data loss in the event of accidental deletion of an item is not guaranteed. There are in fact two types of deletion: temporary and permanent, but it can still happen that restoring a deleted item (intentionally or accidentally) turns into a serious problem, because recycle bins and version histories can only protect against data loss in limited way.

Legal and Compliance Requirements:
What happens if mailbox or other data needs to be recovered as a result of legal action? In these cases it is absolutely desirable to keep backups of all data, because predicting the future is impossible and recovering lost items without having appropriately saved them is equally impossible.

Why choose the Cloud Backup service?

System Innovation’s Remote Backup service is a reliable and secure solution to save the customers’ entire information asset, which also offers the flexibility and convenience of accessing your data anytime, anywhere.

System Innovation offers several backup plans for customers to choose from according to their specific needs. In addition, customers can also choose to back up all their data or just some specific files.

The access to saved data can be done at any time via a VPN connection, to view, download, and restore data quickly and easily.

Why choose the Cloud Backup service?

System Innovation’s Remote Backup service is a reliable and secure solution to save the customers’ entire information asset, which also offers the flexibility and convenience of accessing your data anytime, anywhere.

System Innovation offers several backup plans for customers to choose from according to their specific needs. In addition, customers can also choose to back up all their data or just some specific files.

The access to saved data can be done at any time via a VPN connection, to view, download, and restore data quickly and easily.

Quali sono i vantaggi del servizio di Cloud Backup?

Data protection from any natural disasters, theft or hardware failures that could compromise the operational continuity of companies.

Reduction of backup management costs and times, thanks to the simplicity and automation of the data saving and recovery process.

Scalability and customization of the service, based on each customer’s needs for space, frequency and backup methods.

Guarantee of data privacy and security, thanks to end-to-end encryption and compliance with current regulations regarding the protection of personal data.

Ability to access your data from any device connected to the internet, via a user-friendly and intuitive web interface.

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